Follows Anita's self-discovery and maturity journey. At 15, the young played by Maisa, had a great expectation of adult life: leave the tiny town Imperatriz, travel to many plaFollows Anita's self-discovery and maturity journey. At 15, the young played by Maisa, had a great expectation of adult life: leave the tiny town Imperatriz, travel to many places and get to know a lot of people. But at 30, her life is nothing like that. With few friends, living in a renovated apartment and with no signal of love, Anita returned to her birth town for her sister Luiza's wedding.详情
大卫·休默,Arjun Athalye,杰登·巴特尔斯,斯坦尼·布莱登,Elijah M. Cooper,沙基纳·贾弗里,Galilea La Salvia,山姆·麦卡锡,Dawn McGee,Francesca Noel,阿娜·奥缇兹,Eloise Payet,克里斯托弗·保罗·理查兹,凯拉·坦塔,威尔·菲茨